Lifestyle · 10. June 2022
7 Bucket List to Fall In Love With Spring
Finally the sun is shining and it's beautiful!!! And this 7 Bucket list will help you fall in love with spring and yourself 1. Have a picnic Now it's time to finally go out and have a picnic with your best friends. Take away all the delicious fruits like watermelon, nectarine, strawberry, snacks and some good wine too. Find a beautiful landscape and it's time for a picnic. Believe me, not only will your soul improve, but so will your bond with your best friends.
Beauty · 05. June 2022
Are You Making These Nail Mistakes?
Nowadays pedicure and manicure is hype, getting cute nail designs is hype and nail salons are everywhere. I wouldn't lie and say I don't like the hype either. I've been doing my nails myself for a long time, then I realized that I'd made a lot of mistakes. So now I'm gonna tell you all about the different nail mistakes that you might be (you don't know yet) making and specific things you may be doing wrong. 1. Nipping your cuticles People think that the thick skin around your nails is the...
Lifestyle · 02. June 2022
9 Myths About Home Decoration You Should Stop Believing In
For most of us, decorating the house can be a fun activity. However, for those of you who are beginners in home decoration, you may have heard various suggestions about what you should and shouldn't do when decorating your home. Although these suggestions sound helpful, in reality there are some suggestions that are just myths and not entirely true. So, you don't have to follow all the home decorating suggestions you hear and you should stop believing in those myths. Here are the common myths...